Nicholas Hill
Granville, OH
Visual Art
Nicholas Hill’s studio work involves the exploration of history, other cultures and the creative processes of artists in those cultures. His curatorial work has led to multiple exhibitions in the US by artists from India, Germany and Chile. The Guggenheim Fellowship will support his travel to several art centers in India, Argentina and Chile and the development of new work, and new collaborations with artists and craftspeople.
Throughout his career, residencies and interactions with other artists have been pivotal to his work. Nicholas has been awarded residencies in the USA at the MacDowell Colony, the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts, the Ragdale Foundation and the Art Students League residency at Vytlacil. Internationally, Nicholas has been awarded residencies in Germany at Grafikwerkstatt and at the Hochshule fur Bildende Kunste in Dresden. He has been artist-in-residence at Taller 99 printmaking studio in Santiago, Chile and at Casaplan Cultural Center in Valparaiso, Chile.
He co-curated an exhibition of contemporary Indian and American printmaking at Lalit Kala Akademi Galleries in New Delhi. Also, his work has included community-based arts projects with under-served communities in Ohio and New York.
Dartmouth College, Redlands University/ California, and Pratt Munson Williams Proctor College of Art and Design are some educational venues where Nicholas has offered lectures and studio presentations.
Nicholas received the BFA degree from Michigan State University and the MA and MFA degrees from the University of Iowa. He has taught at the State University of New York- Plattsburgh, Bethany College, and Union College. Currently, he is professor of art at Otterbein University in Westerville, Ohio.