Dina Elenbogen


Evanston, IL

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Dina Elenbogen, a widely published and award winning poet and prose writer, is author of the memoir, Drawn from Water: an American Poet, an Ethiopian Family, an Israeli Story (BkMK Press, University of Missouri) and the poetry collection, Apples of the Earth (Spuyten Duvil, New York.) She has received fellowships from the Illinois Arts Council and the Ragdale Foundation and her work has appeared in anthologies including Lost on the Map of the World (Peter Lang, NY), Where We Find Ourselves (SUNY,NY), Beyond Lament (Northwestern University Press) Rust Belt Chicago and magazines including Lit Hub, Bellevue Literary Review, Prairie Schooner, Poet Lore, December, Woven Tale Press, paterson Literary Review, New City Chicago, Tikkun, Tiferet, Times of Israel and other venues. She has a poetry MFA from the Iowa Writer’s Workshop and teaches creative writing at the University of Chicago Writer’s Studio. She has just completed a new poetry collection and is at work on an essay collection. At Ragdale she plans to prepare her poetry collection for publication and to work on a new poetry project that involves writing a poem a day and experimenting with new forms of poetry.

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