Vimi Bajaj


Oak Brook, IL


Vimi Bajaj is a writer living near Chicago. She is currently working on a novel set in modern day India. A graduate of the Bennington Writing Seminars, she was also a participant at Bread Loaf and Sewanee writing conferences. She completed a residency at Hedgebrook where she was awarded a Fellowship from the Elizabeth George Foundation. She has been published in various journals including, Panorama, The Bristol Short Story Prize Anthology, and the Writer’s Chronicle.

She has been working on her novel since September of 2013, and so far, is still interested in the project. She considers this a plus and plans to finish it before long. She is very grateful for the gift of time and space.

Vimi Bajaj is also a practicing physician and lives with her husband and three children.


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Deborah Siegel-Acevedo