Nami Mun

Chicago, IL

Fiction & Nonfiction

Nami Mun is the author of the bestselling novel Miles from Nowhere, which received a Whiting Award, a Pushcart Prize, the Chicago Public Library’s 21st Century Award, and made it onto several “best of” lists. Miles was also shortlisted for the Orange Prize for New Writers and the Asian American Literary Award. Nami has received numerous fellowships and honors, including James Baldwin/Hearst Foundation Fellowship from MacDowell, Yaddo scholarship, Northwestern University’s Simon Blattner Fellowship, and a Tin House scholarship. Her work has been published by The New York Times, Granta, The Yale Review, Tin House, The Iowa Review, and the anthology Tales of Two Americas: Stories of Inequality in a Divided Nation, and others. She currently teaches creative writing at Loyola University Chicago.

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Simone Muench