Mara Aguilar-Erdman

Flat Rock, NC


Mara Erdman is a fictionist and poet native to and residing in the mountains of Western North Carolina. She received the Sullivan Writing Scholar award for excellence in both playwriting and fiction from the Stetson University Honors Program, her MFA from Queens University of Charlotte where she served as head fiction editor of Qu Magazine, and has since been thankful for the support of Bread Loaf Environmental Writers Conference and the Tin House Workshop. Her work has been described as “[feeling like] the hardest crush you've ever had– a simultaneously granular and massive conversation on longing.” You can read her Pushcart Prize and Best of Net nominated stories in Vestal Review, SmokeLong Quarterly, Litbreak Magazine and others. Her current writing fixates on ecosystem, on what it means to belong to a land, to a history, and to one another when the world we were promised is not what we’ve inherited.

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