Kevin Smith

Iowa City, IA


Kevin Smith received his M.F.A. from the Iowa Writers’ Workshop and his Ph.D. from Princeton University. An Iowa Arts Fellow, he is the recipient of the Provost Postgraduate Visiting Fellowship in Fiction at The University of Iowa, the Steinbeck Fellowship at San José State University, and the Chateaubriand Fellowship. His work has appeared in The Sun, Alimentum, The Lambda Book Report, The Redwood Coast Review, and elsewhere. Writing prizes include the Power of Purpose Award, the Arch and Bruce Brown Award, and the Carl Cherry Center Award. He has taught at the University of Washington, The George Washington University, Université de Bordeaux III, and The University of Iowa. Kevin is also a certified instructor of Tai Chi. He is currently at work on his first novel and lives in Iowa City with his husband and their cat, Joshua.


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Derek Palacio