Chau Nguyen

Philadelphia, PA

Visual Art

Chau Nguyen (b. Hanoi, Vietnam) (they/she) is a Vietnamese immigrant artist and educator based in Philadelphia. They navigate the intersection of art, technology, private/ collective memory, Vietnamese histories, and popular culture in their creation of transnational art objects. Nguyen received their BA in Fine Arts and History of Art from Bryn Mawr College and their MFA in Painting from Tyler School of Art and Architecture. Their artist residencies include Marble House Project (upcoming), Millay Arts, Byrdcliffe Artist Residency, Wassaic Project, Dear Artists (DAWA), 77Art Center, and Chautauqua Art Institution. Their work has been in group and solo exhibitions at the National Liberty Museum, Delaware Contemporary, Woodmere Art Museum, Pentimenti Gallery, Commonweal Gallery, Temple Contemporary, HOT•BED Philly, Automat Collective, Studio Montclair, Vincom Center for Contemporary Art Vietnam, Gallery Steinsland Berliner (Stockholm), and others.

Nguyen has received fellowships, grants, and awards from The Loretta C. Duckworth Scholars Studio at Temple University Libraries, Robert Rauschenberg Foundation, Woodmere Art Museum, Joseph Robert Foundation, Woodstock Byrdcliffe Guild, Tyler School of Art and Architecture, The Alternative Art School, Charlotte W. Newcombe Foundation, Chautauqua Art Institute, Bryn Mawr College, DIS Copenhagen, and FPT-Arena Multimedia.

Nguyen likes colors, sleeping in, meaningful work, and being silly. They also enjoy unexpected juxtapositions & discussions of complexity/ opacity, time, trauma, care, and community.

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Connie Shirakawa


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