Dika Lam


Chicago, IL

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Dika Lam was an editor and social media manager for Frommer’s travel guides and has worked as a freelance copy editor for clients such as Condé Nast. Her fiction and nonfiction have appeared in This Is Not Chick Lit (Random House), A Stranger Among Us (OV Books), Scribner’s Best of the Fiction Workshops, American Fiction Vol. 12 (New Rivers Press), One Story, The Rumpus, Frommers.com, and elsewhere. Her book reviews have appeared in The Nervous Breakdown and The Cincinnati Review.

She was a New York Times Fellow in the MFA program at New York University and has received awards and residencies from the Sewanee Writers’ Conference, the Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference, the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts, and the Banff Centre for Arts and Creativity. She won the Bronx Writers Center Chapter One Fiction Competition and first prize in the American Fiction Contest.

At Ragdale, she’ll be working on her novel-in-progress.

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Featured Work

From "The Seventy-Two-Ounce Steak Challenge" in the anthology "This Is Not Chick Lit"

At 110 klicks per hour, the wind boxed me from all sides, my hands wrangling the steering wheel. The pink sky was the virgin drift of newly opened ice cream, so gorgeous that I had to remind myself that it wasn't the planetarium. The day after tomorrow, I would hop on a plane and wing back to my problems, but for now, as I gunned toward the grand peaks of Banff, I lost my interest in ghosts, and in crises that could not be solved in Mountain Time, because mountains are for people who need to know they're headed for something beautiful.


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