Andy Nicholas Li

Chicago, IL

Interdisciplinary Art

I am an artist and educator based in Chicago, IL and Ithaca, NY. I work with drawing, installation, fiction, and food to conjure the contradictions of identity and intimacy. Symbols and materials in my work bear the sticky construction of a person, between Cantonese, Midwestern, queer, lonely, childish, grown.

My work has been exhibited at ACRE Projects, the Granoff Center for the Creative Arts, and Hyde Park Art Center, among others. Collaborative projects have appeared at places like AS220, Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago, and the Singapore Art Book Fair. A short story of mine, “Prologue to the Death of Julian,” was published in The Notre Dame Review. Some of my paintings are featured in New American Paintings, Midwest #167.

From 2019-2023 I worked at Marwen, where I developed exhibitions and programs for alumni and young artists in Chicago. I hold a BA from Brown University, and I am an MFA candidate in Art at Cornell University.

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