Aditi Kini

Queens, NY


Aditi Kini writes prose, scripts and other text objects from an office with butterscotch walls in Ridgewood, Queens.
A collection of notes, jokes, and queries on race, automata/automation and globalization, ORIENTAL CYBORG won Essay Press's Chapbook Prize and was published February 2024.

A finalist/alternate for the 2021-23 Jerome Award, Aditi received their MFA from University of California, San Diego this year. Their writing has been published in Hayden’s Ferry Review, Denver Quarterly, The New York Times, and elsewhere. In addition to prose and poetics, Aditi also works in the autofictional and nonfiction space in film, co-creating, EPing and writing the BRICTV comedy series Problematic (SeriesFest 2024, winner “Best Series”) and producing the award-winning documentary short El Bastón.

Their work has been supported by Bread Loaf, Ox-Bow School of Art, Jerome Foundation, the Anderson Center at Tower View, Monson Arts, UC San Diego and Wesleyan University.

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Kassy Lee


Millicent Kennedy