Dan Schwarzlose

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Dan Schwarzlose is a giver, connector, and seeker. A native of Evanston, he is the son of a children’s librarian and journalism ethics professor, brother of a neuroscientist, and Unkie Dan to two young nieces. His wife, Savy, is a virtuoso Cambodian musician. During the day, he works at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine. Dan studied classical trumpet performance and literature at Northwestern University, and earned his MFA in Interdisciplinary Arts and Media at Columbia College; he is also a proud drop-out of the University of Chicago. A founder and director of Elastic Arts since 1998, Dan’s wide range of artistic interests includes synesthesia, creating edible papers with different flavors, improvising music to films, and providing opportunities for other artists to perform and share their work. Recently, he helped create the Northwestern Medical Orchestra---comprised of medical students, faculty, alumni, and staff---and greatly enjoys playing classical music for patients and other community members. With his remaining free time, he enjoys cooking, practicing yoga, and traveling. For this special event at Ragdale, Dan will show children (and cool adults) how to make spooky and awesome sounds on the theremin, the only instrument in the world that you play without touching. Come visit him to have tons of fun making your own sounds!


Linda Scholly


Todd Summar