Daisy A. Palma

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Daisy Palma is a Chicago-based interdisciplinary artist, costume designer, and art history and historical garments enthusiast. She received her BFA with an emphasis in Fibers from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago (SAIC) in 2017. During her undergraduate her disciplines included a wide array of mediums and practices; including performance, video, scientific illustration, print-to-fabric, painting, figure drawing, and fashion. With a deep passion for theatre and opera, a fascination with medieval life and architecture, historical garments, and a strong connection to nature, Daisy combines her ambition, knowledge base, and skill set to create one-of-a-kind garments.

Daisy is currently the Manager of the Fiber and Material Studies Department at SAIC. As an educator in the Arts, she works alongside many talented and knowledgeable artists in a community of creativity, inspiration, and fellowship. She takes value in the ability to learn and grow her skill sets from others at SAIC, and enjoys collaborating with other artists and combining creative efforts; including sewing, embroidery, and fabric dyeing. She continues her studies by taking electives in the Fashion, Liberal Arts, and Art History Departments at SAIC.

When she’s not working on a new project or collaborating with artists, she thoroughly enjoys spending time in Wisconsin with her boyfriend, where she draws inspiration from its abundant nature and cultural offerings.

Website: www.daisypalma.com

Instagram: @_wintersflower


Preston O’Ffill


Emily Ramirez