Alison Aldrich

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While I have always been a creative - a dancer, writer, singer, choreographer, photographer, actress - I spent my career as a social worker. My role as a Ragdale trustee and organizer of Rags to Witches combines these two loves: creativity and community.

My favorite art form is theatre, and I help recruit, direct, and costume the actors for Rags to Witches. Many of the actors are friends with whom I perform in community theatre and sing in ensembles.

Rags to Witches is a theatre of the imagination! It brings together people of all ages to imagine, create, play, learn, and celebrate the arts within an interactive wonderland. Extraordinary artists, Ragdale staff, trustees, and volunteers work tirelessly to benefit and inspire all who take part.

Thank you to all who attend and who make this event possible. Your generosity is multiplied many times because funds raised bring more art, authors and artists to school children, inspiring them to write, act, paint, sculpt... and to believe that they can create their dreams. That is the power of art and the magic of Ragdale.


Erin Cramer